Grab your hammer. We’ll be your guide.

Meet Your Blacksmith


Ron Duren Jr

He is, at his core, a teacher. In fact, his core purpose is to elevate others through value creation, teaching and coaching.

This drives his passion to groom the next generation through leadership development and what he calls, leading to a better future. Serving in this role at the University of Colorado, Boulder, as a professor of leadership and management.

With his unique background, including adventures as a rodeo bull rider, aerobatic aviator, builder of an award winning airplane, Leadville 100 mile run participant, Ironman triathlete and semi-professional baseball player, he has a keen interest in pressure performance; regulating arousal, harnessing fear, anxiety and stress when it matters most.

After 18 years working in the corporate world as a Mechanical Engineer, he pivoted to full-time teaching and coaching to make a bigger dent in the universe by giving back and helping others find their path.

His diverse melting pot of wisdom from the business world, academia, sports and aviation make him a sought after resource on performance psychology and neuroscience.

He loves to explore the intersection of hard science, ancient philosophy and psychological skills training from the world of sports. He believes we are all athletes in the game of life and the mental game is crucial to optimal performance.

For him, the jet fuel for his engine is the neverending pursuit to unlock the secrets of how we can be our best selves by learning from those who have shown the way. From ancient philosophers and warriors to modern thought leaders and gladiators fighting the good fight. Join him in his vision quest.