The Future of Leadership is Engineered Performance


What if you could perform at your best during your defining moments?

For the presentation.

For the job interview.

For the pitch.

For the difficult conversation.

For your career.

For your life.

Enter the leadership performance simulator.

A division of Forging Mettle, Inc.

Introducing LeadSim.

Where science and technology meet humanity. A holistic approach to personal performance.

Utilizing performance psychology from the world of sport, organizational neuroscience, the advanced technology of virtual reality, machine learning and artificial intelligence, combined with neurophysiological markers of human performance.

We have the technology and expertise to make you better.

Let’s get started.

Research Funding

“Harnessing Virtual Reality and Biofeedback for Developing Leadership and Communication Skills in Business Leaders”

We are thrilled our SBIR pitch was selected for full proposal submission. This funding would be instrumental to prove our research hypothesis and in the process fundamentally change how we train and develop leaders of the future.

We are looking for collaborators, beta customers and partners. If you and your organization would like to be included in this exciting endeavor, please reach out.